Cameron Graham

Native Upland Specialist

Cameron graduated from the University of Manitoba in 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies, focusing in Water Resources. He has worked with Native Plant Solutions since 2020, first as a Conservation Technician and moved up to an Upland Specialist in 2023. Cameron has experience with heavy machinery operation, chemical application, site monitoring and agronomy work in both a team setting and working alone on sites. He also has a valid pesticide license in both Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

Our experts

Andrea Dechene, MSc, P.Biol.

Head of Wetland Services

Kirstin Newfield, P. Eng. M.A.Sc.

Conservation Engineer

Gord MacKay

Upland Specialist

Nicholson Jeke, Ph.D., P.Ag.

Wetland / Remediation Specialist

Jade Raizenne, P.Biol.

Plant Ecologist

Melissa Mushanski

Wetland Specialist

Jenn Dyson, MSc

Restoration Specialist

Brett Thalman

Upland Specialist

Shaelee Peters, B.EnvSt., BIT

Wetland Specialist

Cameron Graham

Upland Specialist

Krissy Elkins, MSc

Wetland / Upland Specialist

Taylor Mutch

Wetland / Upland Specialist

Nancy Robinson

Administrative Specialist - Conservation

Karen Patching

Administrative Assistant