Jenn Dyson, MSc

Restoration Specialist

Jenn has been a Terrestrial Ecologist with a specialization in Restoration Ecology since 2009. She holds a Master’s of Science degree in Biological Sciences from Western University, Canada, specializing in Tallgrass Prairie restoration, as well as a Bachelor’s of Science from Cape Breton University with a specialization in Forest Successional Ecology. She has a passion for botany with formal botanical training in species identification and specimen collection came from Cape Breton University, Western University, and Royal Botanical Gardens, Canada. She has continued to educate herself and grow her skill set through courses and certifications, such as becoming an ISA Certified Arborist, licenced in invasive species management, and completing training in community classification and wetland evaluation.

She has experience in both the private and public sectors and is especially interested in the restoration of terrestrial habitats and invasive species management. Jennifer´s botanical field experience includes terrestrial and wetland restoration/reclamation, vegetation inventories, integrated weed management, plot monitoring, and vegetation community classification. In the office, Jennifer has experience with policy analysis, Endangered Species Act permitting, analysis of development impacts, report writing, and project management.

Our experts

Andrea Dechene, MSc, P.Biol.

Head of Wetland Services

Kirstin Newfield, P. Eng. M.A.Sc.

Conservation Engineer

Gord MacKay

Upland Specialist

Nicholson Jeke, Ph.D., P.Ag.

Wetland / Remediation Specialist

Jade Raizenne, P.Biol.

Plant Ecologist

Melissa Mushanski

Wetland Specialist

Jenn Dyson, MSc

Restoration Specialist

Brett Thalman

Upland Specialist

Shaelee Peters, B.EnvSt., BIT

Wetland Specialist

Cameron Graham

Upland Specialist

Krissy Elkins, MSc

Wetland / Upland Specialist

Taylor Mutch

Wetland / Upland Specialist

Nancy Robinson

Administrative Specialist - Conservation

Karen Patching

Administrative Assistant